1º ESO. Basketball 2: Basic Rules, the court and player´s positions.

Publicado en 1ºESO-3rd Term

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- Basketball players play with a ball on a court dribbling, passing, and shooting.  

-There are two teams of five players on the court.

-They score points when a player shoots the ball through the hoop. 

-A basket (or field goal) counts two or three points, and free throws count one point each.

-A basketball game has four quarters.  
-The length of each quarter has 10 minutes (12 in the NBA).

-Play starts with a “jump ball” at center court. At halftime, teams switch sides. 

If a game ends in a tie, teams usually play overtime periods until one team wins. 

You can review the basic rules with this video too:


In Basketball there are two different types of faults:

Violations: a violation is an infraction to the rules of Basketball. (for example the player takes more than two steps without bouncing the ball on the floor).

-When you commit a violation, the other team gets the ball. 

Fouls: A foul is an illegal action that a player from one team commits to a player from the oppossing team. 

-When you commit a foul, the other team can get the ball or have free throws. 




-Each player has a position in the court when playing. This position is usually depends on the height of the player.

-Teams usually have:  two guards, two forwards, and one center.

-The tallest person  usually plays “center”, while the medium size ones play “forwards”. 

-The shortest players then play “guards”. 

Look at this video  explaining the meaning of each line in the court:

 SUBTITLES: 1. Clic the play button. 2. Clic on the grey rectangular button with two lines
You can find the complete "Basketball tips for women" series  HERE

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