1º ESO: Badminton 2: The court and The grips

Publicado en 1ºESO-2nd Term

Ratio: 5 / 5

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 A) for singles:

Light blue areas are the left and right service areas.
You serve from there.

The shuttle must fall in the equivalent areas in your opponent´s court.

If it falls in the dark blue or red areas, it is a fault.

After the service, all blue areas are valid.
The red areas are not a part of the court, so they are out of bounds. If your shuttle falls there, you lose the point.


B) for doubles:

The court for doubles is a little different.
The shuttle can fall at any part of the
court now, except in the red area when
If it falls there after the service, it is valid.






Forehand Grip

Use this grip to hit shuttles that are on the forehand side of your body and around your head.
Place your hand on the handle as if you are shaking hands with it.
There must be a V shape in between your thumb and your index

Backhand Grip:
Use this grip to hit shots that are on the backhand side of your body.

Hold the racket as in the forehand grip.

Turn the racket to one side and place your thumb against the back part of the handle for better control and power.

You need to learn to change grips quickly between shots.


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