2º ESO: Acrosport

Publicado en 2ºESO-1st Term

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Acrobatic Gymnastics is a team competition accompanied by music.

It is a team sport, so your partners depend on you.

Teams create different structures and build human pyramids in time with the music.

It is a sport that needs physical strength, stamina, rhythm, coordination and balance.

It is a very old activity,  Egyptians did human pyramids more than 2000 years ago.


Vocabulary in this lesson:

Skills: habilidades

Grace: gracia

Allowed: permitido (to allow: permitir)

To be held: ser mantenido (to hold: mantener)

Qualifying: clasificatorio

Safety: seguridad

Helpers: ayudantes

A corresponding/matching music: una música que le pegue

To grow to the sides: crecer hacia los lados

To develop: desarrollar

Upper levels: niveles superiores

Needed: necesitados (en el contexto, necesarios)


Here you can see a couple of acrosport videos in the world championships from www. youtube.com.

Do not try them at home!!







Before we start: SAFETY FIRST !

Before starting with acrosport, we must do gymnastics to develop our body control.

Also, in the first acrosport class, we learn how to support our partner´s weight without hurting ourselves. A correct position is fundamental for a safe practice.

Next step is developing some strength by holding basic positions.

Now we are ready, but remember:

No playing around is allowed when we are practicing acrosport!!


Figure building rules:

1. Team members: Each team has more members than the ones needed to build the structure. They are the helpers and must always pay attention to their partners.

2. Know what to do: Each team member must know what his or her position is.

3. The build up: You must build the structure in a coordinate way. Help is always needed. The structure must start from the center and grow to the sides. The last part are the upper levels.

4. Stabilisation: The position must always be held, specially if you are supporting a partner. Structures must last at least eight seconds.

5. Dismantling the structure: It must be coordinated. In reverse of the building, and always with help.

6. Roles: Each person must practise each position when building a figure. Helpers must change places with their partners in the structure.

Our progression in class:

1. Basic body control positions

2. Benches

3. Structures in pairs, groups of three, four...

4. Structures with inversions

Try to remember three exercises for each part of the progression.

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