3ºESO: Gymnastics 3. What's a gymnastic competition like?

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What's a gymnastic competition like?


It is divided in two:

1) The “All-Around”:

All gymnasts are individual competitors and perform on all four/six apparatus. Their scores from all four/six events  are added together and the gymnasts with the three highest totals are awarded all-around medals.




2) The Event Finals or Apparatus Finals:

The top eight gymnasts on each events compete for the medals. Take a look at the men´s still rings and women´s uneven bars from Tokyo 2020 here:





Gymnastic teams have six members. There is usually a team qualifying where five of the six gymnasts do each apparatus but only the best four count. The best teams go to the final where gymnasts compete with their national team on four/six apparatus.

The scores are used to determine the medallists of the team competition. Here three gymnasts compete on each events and all three scores count.

The scoring system changed in 2006. Now all scores have two parts:

 "A" SCORE (difficulty)  "B" SCORE (performance)
 -Difficulty Value  
 -Element Group Requeriments        
 -Connection Value  -Artistry


Here you have a couple of videos with rare gymnastic skills:

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