4º ESO: Floorball 1: Vocabulary, the rink, game time and participants

Publicado en 4ºESO-2nd Term

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Floorball is an indoor game, similar to ice hockey, but it is non violent, so we can play safely at  highschool. It is a fast team sport with no physical contact . Floorball is also called floor hockey, innebandy, (in Sweden) salibandy (in Finland) and unihockey (in Switzerland).There are many professional leagues, such as Finland´s Salibandyliiga and Sweden´s Svenska Superliga.

Do you want to see what a floorball game is like? Here you have a video of the 2017 European Final:



rink: pista, cancha     
   leading: que conducen a
rounded corners: esquinas redondeadas   to end with a tie: acabar en empate
upper: superiores, de arriba   breaks: descansos
wide: ancho   to change sides/ends: cambiar de campo
to measure: medir 
  throw-out: saque
goalkeeper: portero     to tackle: hacer una entrada
nearest: el más cercano   according: de acuerdo con
damaged: dañado   face-off dots: puntos de face-off
goal cages: jaulas de portería   guilty: culpable
match: partido     replaced: reemplazado
tie: empate   prevented: evitado
resumed: continuado, reanudado 
  comitted: cometida
penalty: castigo   offence: falta
penalty shot: tiro de penalty 
  a correctly scored goal: un gol marcado correctamente
penalty bench: expulsión al banquillo
  at least 3 m from the ball: por lo menos a tres metros de la bola
awarded: concedido 
  fixed situations: situaciones a bola parada



Dimensions of the rink 

The rink must be 40 m x 20 m and have a board all around it with rounded corners.

Markings on the rink

All lines must be 4-5 cm wide, in a clearly visible colour.
Goal areas measure 4 m x 5 m.
Goalkeeper areas measure 1 m x 2,5 m.
Face-off dots are on the centre line and on the imaginary extensions of the goal lines, 1.5m from the sides of the rink.

Goal cages

Goal cages measure 160cmx115cmx40/65cm. Upper corners must be rounded.

B) GAME TIME    Image: www.lekohoj.se

Regular game time
Regular game time is 3 x 20 minutes with two 10 minute breaks.

Extra time

If a match ends with a tie, teams play extra time until one team scores. The extra time is limited to 10 minutes. If no team scores in 10 minutes, the match is decided by penalty shots.


Each team can use a maximum of 20 players. Only  six can be on the rink at the same time.


All field players shall wear uniforms consisting of jerseys, shorts and knee socks.

A player shall not wear personal equipment which may cause injury.

Personal equipment includes protective and medical equipment, watches, earrings, etc. The referees decide what shall be considered dangerous.
All goalkeepers shall be dressed in jerseys and long trousers.All jerseys shall be numbered.

Particular goalkeeper's equipment


The goalkeeper must not use a stick. (but in our highschool we use it)

The goalkeeper shall wear a face mask which is in accordance with the IFF Material Regulations and marked accordingly. This only includes on the rink during play. All tampering with the face mask, except painting, is prohibited.

The goalkeeper may use any kind of protective equipment, but this shall not include parts intended to cover the goal.

The goalkeeper can also wear other protective equipment, such as gloves, but bulky padding is not permitted. Other protective equipment includes knee and elbow pads.


Here you have an example on floorball skills:

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