1º ESO. Rope Skipping 2: Before we start

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Before we start

1. Wear proper shoes. Running or cross training shoes are the best. Tie your laces!

2. As before any exercise, do a proper warm up. Stretch your legs carefully.

3. Do a proper cool down at the end of your "workout". Repeat the same stretches you did at the beginning. 

How to jump safely

1. You must try not to do high jumps. If you jump high, you get tired quickly. The ideal height for the jumps is three fingers above the floor.

2. Watch for posture: Knees and ankles should be bent. Torso straight, and arms relaxed. Turn the rope using the wrists and forearms. Jump on your whole feet, so you don´t  get tired too soon.
3. Take it easy: Don't try too much too soon. If you jump for one minute, rest for three. Add minutes up slowly.


Have you read this page already? Then look at this video from www.ehow.com:



Here you have the video transcript to understand it better: 

"Jumping rope is cool because it's a easy piece of equipment to have and you can use it anywhere.

Of course, I'm showing you how to do this outdoors so find a clear space. Find a rope that when you step on it you can at least have the handle come up to your armpits or a little lower. That way you won´t have too much rope, or too little rope, to work with.

Before you even start using the rope I want you to practice a bounce. This is the double bounce. With that bounce, focus on your breathing. In the nose and out of the mouth. It's so to hold your breath. But you don't want to do that 'cause you just might pass out...and that's not good.

So after you've got your breathing and you´re bouncing, I want you to add the rope. This is the first level- with the double bounce. Now if the rope is just not being friendly, you can do this without a rope (called virtual jump roping.) But since you have the equipment, like that, you can just start up again and then speed it up with single hops.

Alright, still keep the shoulders relaxed. The hands stay right at your sides. You don't want to take big arm swings...and still breathing. Now if you want to take it back to level one you can add that double bounce again.

Alright. You´re getting a little fatigued? Start it up again. And then you want more of a challenge? Add one foot. So that's now level three. Then switch to the other foot. And then you can switch it back to set level two...and then back to the double bounce (or back to the single.)That's your jump rope!"

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