1º ESO. Rope Skipping 3: Basic Techniques
Basic jump with rebound:
You do a small rebound after jumping, while you swing the rope. This jump is very comfortable and you can also use it to rest between different skills.
Basic jump without rebound:
It is a little faster than the rebound one, so you get tired quick.
Alternate foot jump (speed step):
Jump first on one foot, and when you swing the rope again, jump on the other foot.
Direction change:
You start jumping forwards. Then, instead of swinging the rope under your feet, swing it to one of your sides.
Turn with the rope to that side and raise your arms and rope.
When the rope is above your head, swing it backwards and you are jumping backwards: you have completed a direction change!
While jumping, you cross your arms in front of you, and jump with the rope crossed.
Double under:
You need to jump up a bit higher than usual while swinging the rope twice under your feet. It is possible to have the rope swing three times under the feet (triple under). In competitive jump rope, triples, quadruples ("quads"), and quintuples ("quins") are not uncommon.
Here you have some videos from our students showing you some of the jumps:
Enter your parner´s rope from the front:
You must be opposite your partner and to one side, so you can enter diagonally with only one step. When? When the rope hits the floor. To exit, move away diagonally when the rope touches the floor.
Catching your parner:
You start jumping, and your partner, a little apart from you, starts jumping at your same pace. You must jump towards him/her and “catch” him/her, getting him/her inside your rope.
Basic jump:
Enter the rope when it hits the floor and starts going away from you. You must jump in the center of the rope and exit diagonally at the other end.
Turning inside:
Turn around as you jump. It´s very easy!
How many?
How many students can jump at the same time in one rope?
Here you have some videos showing all the possibilities of rope jumping: